Saturday, September 16, 2006
Anih, sapak Menteri MCA yg bartangkar dangan Hishamuddin tok?
Good question from a MakCik I met at a feast late yesterafternoon. Yes, I speak a bit Brunei Malay. I need to...if I must communicate with my husband's family.
Lately, there's always a scoop for journalists. A scoop which can always turn to a sensational prolonged item in the papers if not managed properly by those in authority.
Its about the spat between the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Datuk Ong Tee Keat and the Minister of Education Dato' Sri Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein. Tee Keat has been perceived to trangress the boundary of a minister by commenting on the weakness of another ministry in handling certain budget allocation. I guess, if I put myself in Hishammuddin's shoes, I would say to Tee Kiat,"Thank you, Datuk. I will check the allegation and take appropriate action if it was found to be true. In future, please let me know personally if there are similar or new cases or suspected cases in the misappropriation of public funds." However, that was not to be the case. Now, MCA, too, must apologise to Hishammuddin. As a layman, I can only look at events on its face value. Perhaps there are reasons why Hishammuddin reacted the way he did, but I don't have that information. Neither do those people that talk, talk and talk in coffee shops. I think, politicians of the status quo must also be extra conscious about their face value actions and words. They are supposed to be role models of the nation . I think they have failed.
Lately, there's always a scoop for journalists. A scoop which can always turn to a sensational prolonged item in the papers if not managed properly by those in authority.
Its about the spat between the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Datuk Ong Tee Keat and the Minister of Education Dato' Sri Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein. Tee Keat has been perceived to trangress the boundary of a minister by commenting on the weakness of another ministry in handling certain budget allocation. I guess, if I put myself in Hishammuddin's shoes, I would say to Tee Kiat,"Thank you, Datuk. I will check the allegation and take appropriate action if it was found to be true. In future, please let me know personally if there are similar or new cases or suspected cases in the misappropriation of public funds." However, that was not to be the case. Now, MCA, too, must apologise to Hishammuddin. As a layman, I can only look at events on its face value. Perhaps there are reasons why Hishammuddin reacted the way he did, but I don't have that information. Neither do those people that talk, talk and talk in coffee shops. I think, politicians of the status quo must also be extra conscious about their face value actions and words. They are supposed to be role models of the nation . I think they have failed.
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Well, lookie this from the Star today, 18/09/06:
All’s well that ends well – this best describes the issue of Datuk Ong Tee Keat’s statement on the alleged misuse of funds earmarked for refurbishment of several Chinese schools in Johor.
It is understood that contractors had gone to the affected schools to complete the refurbishment, the Deputy Higher Education Minister said.
Ong said he was glad when he was told that the schools in question were being refurbished.
“I am glad and thankful,” said Ong, who declined to provide more information on the matter.
Earlier, when asked if the alleged misappropriation of funds would be reported to the Anti-Corruption Agency, Ong said it was the task of the local community that made the allegation to do so and not him.
Ong was speaking with reporters after opening the 2006 Global Art National Competition themed “Colour The World” held at the LimKokWing University College of Creative Technology here.
He was embroiled in a spat recently with Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein over statements directed at the Education Ministry, alleging that funds meant for renovations in two Chinese schools had been misused.
The Cabinet had then reprimanded Ong after it decided that it was not appropriate for a government officer to openly criticise fellow officers in other ministries...
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All’s well that ends well – this best describes the issue of Datuk Ong Tee Keat’s statement on the alleged misuse of funds earmarked for refurbishment of several Chinese schools in Johor.
It is understood that contractors had gone to the affected schools to complete the refurbishment, the Deputy Higher Education Minister said.
Ong said he was glad when he was told that the schools in question were being refurbished.
“I am glad and thankful,” said Ong, who declined to provide more information on the matter.
Earlier, when asked if the alleged misappropriation of funds would be reported to the Anti-Corruption Agency, Ong said it was the task of the local community that made the allegation to do so and not him.
Ong was speaking with reporters after opening the 2006 Global Art National Competition themed “Colour The World” held at the LimKokWing University College of Creative Technology here.
He was embroiled in a spat recently with Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein over statements directed at the Education Ministry, alleging that funds meant for renovations in two Chinese schools had been misused.
The Cabinet had then reprimanded Ong after it decided that it was not appropriate for a government officer to openly criticise fellow officers in other ministries...
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